Reentry is a broad term used to refer to issues related to the transition of offenders from prison to 社区 supervision. 在全国范围内, 700,000 people are released from correctional custody every year with a 68% recidivism rate within the first three years. Current reentry programs advocate for solutions that will help people returning from prison obtain employment, 与家人联系, and rejoin their communities in an effort to reduce this recidivism rate. This certificate program will prepare students to work in fields related to reentry by providing them an education in the barriers that reduce the likelihood of successful reintegration and in current reentry strategies and characteristics of successful programs.

欲了解更多信息,请参阅 学术目录.

Reentry is a broad term used to refer to issues related to the transition of offenders from prison to 社区 supervision. 在全国范围内, 700,000 people are released from correctional custody every year with a 68% recidivism rate within the first three years. Current reentry programs advocate for solutions that will help people returning from prison obtain employment, 与家人联系, and rejoin their communities in an effort to reduce this recidivism rate. This certificate program will prepare students to work in fields related to reentry by providing them an education in the barriers that reduce the likelihood of successful reintegration and in current reentry strategies and characteristics of successful programs.

To apply for the Certificate in Prisoner Reentry and 社区修正 Certificate, fill out the 在线申请.






The 博彩平台推荐 is accredited by The Southern Association of Colleges and 院校委员会(SACSCOC).



这个课程可以完全面对面学习. 然而, 取决于所选的课程, a student may choose to take some partially or fully online courses.


博彩平台推荐 is often ranked as one of the most affordable accredited universities of its kind, 无论选择何种交付方式.


  • 总学费和费用可能会有所不同, depending on the instructional method of the courses in which the student chooses to enroll.
  • 一个学生在一个学期里修的课程越多, 他们通常会节省更多的费用和总成本.
  • Face-to-face or partially online courses are charged at the general tuition rate and all mandatory campus fees, based on the student's residency (non-residents are charged at a higher rate).
  • Fully or entirely online course tuition rates and fees my vary depending on the program. Students enrolled in exclusively online courses do not pay non-Resident rates.
  • Together this means that GA residents pay about the same if they take all face-to-face or partially online courses as they do if they take only fully online courses exclusively; while non-residents save money by taking fully online courses.
  • One word of caution: If a student takes a combination of face-to-face and online courses in a single term, he/she will pay both all mandatory campus fees and the higher eTuition rate.
  • For cost information, as well as payment deadlines, see the 学生账户和账单服务网站

There are a variety of financial assistance options for students, 包括奖学金和勤工俭学项目. 参观 财政援助办公室的网站 了解更多信息.


CRIM 4260 -囚犯重返社会和社区矫正

Corrections in America will be examined at the federal, 状态 and local levels. 监禁的历史, 监狱的结构和功能, 监狱, and 社区 corrections and the role of corrections in society will be covered.


Focuses on major moral theories and ethical decision making in the field of criminal justice. 双重效忠, 相互竞争的社会需求, and sub文化 strains specific to criminal justice will be explored.


在当地的惩教项目上的课程, 状态, 联邦层面包括青少年缓刑和假释. The organization and administration of correctional systems will be examined with particular attention given to control, 分类, 纪律, 治疗, and post-release procedures for the juvenile and adult offenders.



CRIM 4280 - Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice - Must be relevant to reentry and approved by the Certificate Director.
CRIM 4286 - Internship - (3 - 6 Credit Hours) - Must be relevant to reentry and approved by the Certificate Director.

An examination of the current and historical patterns of alcohol and drug use, abuse, and control. Strong emphasis will be given to patterns of usage and types and kinds of programs used by helping agencies in the rehabilitation process. 与CHM 3140相同.


提供对犯罪受害者的深入分析. This course focuses on the historical development of victimology, which emerged in the 1940's as an independent field of study as well as surveying some of the more recent works by contemporary thinkers.


This course will introduce students to the participation of women in the criminal justice system. 女性犯下的罪行, 女性特有的法则, and the 治疗 of females by the system will be explored. Women as professionals and their impact on the system will also be discussed.


This course will examine family violence from both a personal and social perspective. 将讨论家庭暴力的研究和理论, 还有各种关系, 发病率, 患病率, 人际动力学, 促成因素, 后果, 社会回应及服务. 将探讨预防战略.


This course will examine the history of youth gangs in the U.S. 以及帮派是如何随着时间变化的. Students will learn about contemporary gangs and their activities, why youths join gangs and how gangs relate to the larger society.


This course will focus on a particular issue being dealt with by the criminal justice system today. Students will critically examine the issue and related research and theories. The social context of the issue will be explored as well as possible actions to address the problem. 课程可重修以获得学分.


The internship provides students an opportunity to gain supervised work experience in an agency in their major area of study.




具体入学日期(仅限本科生), 金融援助, 费用支付, 登记, 学期开始/结束, 期末考试, 等. 都可以在 独家报道.

  1. 博彩平台推荐 theoretical and empirical research to practical applications.
  2. Develop empirically-grounded reintegration strategies that serve to reduce recidivism and subsequent incarceration.
  3. 识别各种系统, 文化, 社区, and individual-level barriers to improve successful reintegration.